Aldi Introducing Healthy Options to the Checkout Counter
UNITED KINGDOM - Aldi is introducing “healthier tills” at all of its 500 UK stores in January 2015.
Daily Mail reports that Aldi will remove all confectionery, chocolate and sweets for checkout stands and replace them with healthier options like dried and fresh fruit, nuts, juices and water.
“It is welcome news that Aldi is promoting healthier tills across all of its stores. We want all retailers to ensure that product positioning, particularly at the checkout, helps people to make healthier choices,” Richard Lloyd, Executive Director of the consumer group 'Which?,' told the Guardian.
Aldi’s decision comes after a 16-week trial in a select number of UK stores that ran from February to June of this year.
“The healthier tills trial quickly showed that healthier foods prove more popular with our shoppers than the traditional checkout offer of confectionery and sweets,” said Giles Hurley, Aldi’s Joint Managing Director of Corporate Buying.
In January, Lidl banned confectionery from its 600 UK stores, and then in May, Tesco announced that it would be removing sweets and chocolates. Now Aldi will be doing the same. Is this a trend that could make its way to the U.S.? Take the survey below, and let us know what you think.