CMI New Single Serve Cherry Packaging
WENATCHEE, WA - Columbia Marketing International (CMI) has been named a finalist for the 2014 PMA Impact Awards in Excellence in Packaging for its GoGo Fresh, single serve cherry packages.
“More and more consumers are shopping convenience stores looking for fresh fruit snacks,” shared Steve Lutz, Vice President of Marketing for CMI. “The conventional grocery store 2 lb. cherry bags are far too large for convenience stores so fresh cherries were rarely seen in this channel despite the fact that cherries are a high demand and high impulse product. The new CMI GoGo Fresh single serve bag really opened the convenience store channel for the first time.”
“Our consumer research showed that nutritional information and fiber content are important considerations for many consumers,” Lutz continued. “We used the new packaging to call out these benefits as well as highlight that our cherries are GMO free.”
“We look forward to an expanded roll out of the CMI single serve cherry packaging during the 2015 season,” he concluded.
Congratulations on the impressive accomplishment, CMI!