AndNowYouKnow is simply the voice of our industry. Very seldom do I start my day without reviewing the morning issue. The facts are accurate, relevant, and the entire team is responsive, caring and professional. Articles are short, informative, and gives us a quick concise update on worthy news.
AndNowUKnow is a great product because it has short articles, with current info and good-to-know facts! I can read what is pertinent to me and skip what isn't. I also love doing the Quizzes—even though I haven't won yet!
What I find so special about AndNowUKnow is that it has the perfect blend of timeliness and relevance. Not only do you receive a morning and afternoon briefing, but the information you receive is on-point and on-topic. One can keep abreast on the major areas affecting the produce industry in all of the major areas of the produce supply chain,…
I always look forward to E mail blasts. They are a great resource for new trends, new products, and old friends all in one site.
And Now U Know has done a fantastic job of capturing the interest of the produce industry retail grocery buyers. We hear time and time again from our customers after we have a spot on And Now U Know. Great job team And Now U Know.