CA Grown Appoints Cheríe Watte Angulo as New Executive Director of Marketing
SACRAMENTO, CA - There are people in the agricultural industry who were born for the jobs that they now hold with pride. One such person is the newest Executive Director for the Buy California Marketing Agreement (BCMA), Cheríe Watte Angulo. With over 30 years of industry experience, and a childhood engrained within the world of farming, Angulo will head the powerhouse marketing team that is behind the CA GROWN brand.
“As the Executive Director, I am looking forward to growing our program, working with industry partners and government organizations to expand funding and markets. In California, we grow such an abundance and diversity of delicious fruits, vegetables, nuts, wine, and floral and nursery products that are not only loved by Californians, but are also enjoyed across the country and around the world,” said Watte Angulo.
Raised as the daughter of a California farmer from the Imperial Valley, Watte Angulo has in some ways been practicing for her new role since she was young, but that’s not the only thing that qualifies her for this impressive title. With over 30 years in the agricultural industry, Watte Angulo has served as President and Director of the California Asparagus Commission, Director of International Trade Policy and Manager of Agricultural Export Programs for the California Department of Food and Agriculture, and Director of the National Affairs and Research for the California Farm Bureau Federation, according to a press release.
In addition to her former positions within the world of agriculture, Watte Angulo currently serves on the University of California’s President’s Advisory Commission on Agricultural and Natural Resources. To add to her ever-growing list of merits, she was appointed by Governor Brown as a Director of the Mid-Winter Fair & Fiesta in 2018 and served as an industry member of U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agriculture Trade Advisory Committee on Fruits and Vegetables and the Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching.
“To say Cheríe Watte Angulo is qualified for this unique position is an understatement,” said Donn Zea, Chairman of the Board for the BCMA. “She is strategic, enthusiastic, and absolutely passionate about California agriculture and its place as a vital part of the fabric of our state.”
As the new Executive Director of BCMA, Watte Angulo will oversee and manage retail and marketing campaigns that utilize social media, digital marketing, and in-store promotions to draw attention to specialty crops in California. Before becoming Executive Director, she served on the same board as a Chairwoman between 2014-2018, helping establish the programs she is now spearheading.
“I am proud to congratulate Cheríe Watte Angulo, our very own homegrown agricultural champion, as she embarks on this new endeavor. The California Grown marketing initiative has become increasingly important now when our local farmers and ranchers need our support more than ever,” explained Assembly member Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella), who has authored California Grown legislation. “My district is heavily reliant on agriculture, and Watte Angulo, part of a multi-generation farming family with deep roots in our Imperial Valley community, is an excellent choice to lead this charge. I look forward to collaborating alongside her to promote and protect our state’s agricultural economy.”
With her new title, Cheríe will continue the family legacy that helped initiate her into the world of California Agriculture so many year ago. We wish her the best of luck in her endeavors, and at ANUK we look forward to seeing what CA GROWN and this industry maven have in store for the future.