AgroFresh Launches VitaFresh™ Botanicals Life Select; Clint Lewis and Duncan Aust Comment

AgroFresh Launches VitaFresh™ Botanicals Life Select; Clint Lewis and Duncan Aust Comment

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PHILADELPHIA, PA - Building on the success of its VitaFresh™ Botanicals portfolio, AgroFresh Solutions has unveiled a new launch aimed to keep produce fresh longer while reducing food loss and waste. Known as VitaFresh™ Botanicals Life Select, the plant-based post-harvest coating has also received organic certification from CAAE.

Clint Lewis, Chief Executive Officer, AgroFresh“Our customers are looking for versatile solutions to address their most pressing operational and supply chain challenges in order to provide a consistent supply and the highest quality produce for consumers. Our focus is to help our customers with solutions that preserve freshness and minimize food loss and waste,” said Clint Lewis, Chief Executive Officer. “Protecting our global food system has never been a more urgent charge. Advancements like VitaFresh Botanicals Life Select help us fulfill our promise to meet the world’s need for fresh, safe, and abundant produce while reducing our impact on the environment.”

Derived from carnauba tree palm leaf, the VitaFresh Botanicals Life Select formulation reduces dehydration, maintains weight, and locks in freshness throughout the supply chain, according to a release. The post-harvest solution can be applied to a wide variety of crops including citrus, avocados, and mangos.

AgroFresh unveiled its new launch, VitaFresh™ Botanicals Life Select, to keep produce fresh longer while reducing food loss and waste

In recent trial testing on avocados, positive results were shown before and after ripening, including shelf-life increases of two to three days. Internal browning also decreased by 50 to 67 percent and internal appearance improved by 50 percent. This translates to an overall 50 percent reduction in waste.

Duncan Aust, Chief Technology Officer, AgroFresh“Thanks to the dedication and formulation expertise of our scientific teams working around the world, we’re able to announce this important addition to our VitaFresh Botanicals portfolio,” said Duncan Aust, Chief Technology Officer. “Now in addition to a full coatings product line that leverages natural and plant-based ingredients, we have an organic option that helps meet an increased demand for these types of solutions.”

Ingredients for VitaFresh Botanicals Life Select are sustainably sourced, and the offering is created using certified ISO 14001 environmental management system standards. The formulation received CAAE organic certification, and it is packaged in reusable containers.

As AgroFresh continues to evolve its portfolio, keep reading AndNowUKnow for updates and innovations.


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AgroFresh is a global leader in advanced proprietary technologies for the horticultural market.