Apolinar Blanco Discusses How Chelan Fresh is at the Cutting Edge of Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Apolinar Blanco Discusses How Chelan Fresh is at the Cutting Edge of Sustainability and Social Responsibility

WASHINGTON - How many of us can describe our roles at work as exciting, plentiful, and joyful? Perhaps not all of us, but this is exactly how Apolinar Blanco explains his role at Chelan Fresh. The Sustainability and Social Responsibility Manager knows the produce industry well, having grown up walking through orchard fields from a young age. Apolinar explains how his start in produce naturally led him to the path he is on now.

Apolinar Blanco, Sustainability and Social Responsibility Manager, Chelan Fresh
Apolinar Blanco, Sustainability and Social Responsibility Manager, Chelan Fresh

“I am a product of my parent’s hard work and dedication to the industry. The industry that gave them a job and the opportunity to support my siblings and me,” began Apolinar. “As my knowledge in the industry grew, it only fueled my passion. I always knew I wanted to give back and honor my parents’ hard work and dedication. They were just the spark of my passion for sustainability and, over the years, I got the opportunity to learn more about agriculture and learn about the sustainable processes that can be implemented in the industry.”

Along with his vital role at Chelan, Apolinar is also attending Wenatchee Valley College and is on track to obtain a double degree in Tree Fruit Horticulture and Sustainability/Organics. He admits that his drive and passion for this thriving industry expands as he continues to educate himself and those around him.

Apolinar Blanco drives growth for Chelan Fresh as its Sustainability and Social Responsibility Manager

“I believe that knowledge is power,” continues Apol. “In my role, there are a lot of opportunities for me to gain more knowledge—knowledge that I can then share with others. I currently sit on and lead various groups where I get to share my experiences and knowledge with others while also learning from their experiences and knowledge.”

It is the power of these exchanges that gets this social responsibility leader most excited, as he explains how his position at Chelan Fresh gives him the perfect opportunity to make the impact he strives for.

“I know that I want to make a positive difference in the industry. In my role, I get to do just that. My personality and my values easily fuel my passion for social responsibility. I can ensure that all the obstacles and unfair treatment my parents, workers, and I endured do not happen again. I can use my voice to make a difference, I can lead by example, and I get to help others along the way—what more can I ask for,” Apol shares.

Along with his vital role at Chelan Fresh, Apolinar Blanco is also attending Wenatchee Valley College and is on track to obtain a double degree in Tree Fruit Horticulture and Sustainability/Organics

Tying these roots back to Chelan Fresh, Apol reflects on the connection between his professional goals and Chelan Fresh’s company-wide initiatives, citing simply how he and the company strive for respect, dignity, and honor, adding that the concept of social responsibility is nothing new for Chelan Fresh.

“We have hit many milestones regarding social responsibility, and it is something that we take pride in,” he reflects. “We will continue to put others and their safety first and ensure that we do right by everyone. Like fibrous roots, always looking for the water and nutrients—I will continue to grow, share, and lead to ensure that I am doing my part in nurturing, honoring, and protecting: Our Food, Our Planet, and Our People.”

It is clear that Apolinar is walking a path in which his values, experiences, and aspirations have all coincided. And if you ask me, all that hard work while making each day more joyful than the last is the real fruit that comes with a job well done.

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