Bayer Partners with the Centre for Crop Health to Boost Plant Health and Yield
MONHEIM, GERMANY - This week, Bayer announced a new partnership with the Centre for Crop Health & Protection (CHAP) focusing on plant health, food security, and potential improvements to agricultural productivity.
"We are excited to work as a partner of CHAP with a clear objective of developing solutions which help farmers to meet diverse challenges such as weed and disease resistance, the impact of climate change, and the need to reduce crop losses in agriculture," said Dr. Adrian Percy, Head of Research and Development at Crop Science, a Division of Bayer.
According to a press release, CHAP and its partners are committed to combating the complex causes of low productivity, primarily by addressing losses due to plant health problems through the best and most up-to-date scientific practices.
Head of Agricultural Policy & Stakeholder Affairs at Crop Science, Dr. Arnd Nenstiel noted that, "this partnership will enable us to develop solutions together with food retailers, processors, agronomists and research institutions."
CHAP is located on the National Agri-Food Innovation Campus in Sand Hutton, United Kingdom. The Center was launched in April 2016 after securing more than £21 million (GBP) of government funding as part of the UK’s long-term Agri-Tech strategy and is committed to bring together leading expertise, knowledge and resources from the UK’s leading research organizations and industries.
"Bayer becoming a partner is an exciting opportunity for CHAP," said Adrian Barraclough, Operating Officer at CHAP. "The expertise and knowledge that Bayer will bring will not only strengthen what we can offer in crop protection but it will also enhance the development of solutions in global farming."
Bayer stands to profit by the partnership, too, as the company joins a long list of industry leaders in the UK sharing resources to combat blight and other agricultural problems. CHAP’s consortium partners include Farmcare, Frontier Agriculture, Dow AgroSciences, Tesco, Stockbridge Technology, Unilever, the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI), Cranfield University, FERA Science Ltd, Newcastle University, ADAS UK Ltd., The Met Office, Warwick University, Campden BRI, and Rothamsted Research.
Dr. Richard Schmuck, Director of Environmental Safety at Crop Science, added: "CHAP will provide Bayer with early access to multiple innovative research institutions and help promote the development of risk-based regulatory frameworks."
For more news on exciting new partnerships and developments in agricultural science, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.