Berry Fresh Kicks Off Blueberry Season in Peru; Jyoti Bhogal and Darren Sinn Share

Berry Fresh Kicks Off Blueberry Season in Peru; Jyoti Bhogal and Darren Sinn Share

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LOS ANGELES, CA - The blueberry season is off to a roaring start in Peru! Berry Fresh is looking forward to a successful season as the company focuses on flavor, exceptional proprietary genetics, and long-cultivated farming practices as its key drivers.

Jyoti Bhogal, Vice President of Sales, Berry Fresh
Jyoti Bhogal, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Berry Fresh

“We are always striving to provide consumers with the best possible blueberries, and our Peruvian farms are key to making that happen,” said Jyoti Bhogal, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Our premium varieties are not only delicious but uphold our highest quality standards, ensuring a premium presence in store for our customers.”

A knowledgeable team and years of experience have led Berry Fresh to master the art of growing blueberries in Peru, explained a press release. The team combines traditional farming knowledge with advanced agricultural techniques to grow premium berries that maintain their appearance, texture, and flavor on the long journey from field to shelf.

Berry Fresh's Peruvian blueberry season has gotten off to a solid start

The company went on to note that by focusing on its genetic portfolio on varieties that deliver an elevated flavor, sweetness, the perfect crunch, and a vibrant color are what create an unforgettable eating experience for consumers.

Darren Sinn, Vice President of Operations and Supply Chain, Berry Fresh
Darren Sinn, Vice President of Operations and Supply Chain, Berry Fresh

“Our long history in growing blueberries allows us to grow exceptional tasting fruit that meets the highest standards for quality,” shared Darren Sinn, Vice President of Operations and Supply Chain. “We are proud to kick off this season with such strong quality that reflects our commitment to providing the best blueberries for our customers.”

Additionally, Berry Fresh has been dedicated to constantly improving its sustainable farming practices through investments in water-efficient growing systems and other sustainable-focused methods.

Berry Fresh reports that its Peruvian blueberries are kicking off this season with strong flavor

“There is no one solution to improving agriculture’s impact on the environment, but we are determined to improve every aspect of our supply chain to help be a positive force in the industry and on the environment,” added Sinn.

Hats off to the start of a successful growing season! Keep clicking back to AndNowUKnow for more updates on what’s growing where.

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