Carrie Briones Dishes on LIV Organic Produce Growing Citrus Program and Promotional Opportunities
LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA - When I think of December, I think citrus. Ramping up in the organic space and addressing the needs of retailers across the country is LIV Organic Produce—a grower partnership built on consistent supply from several family farms and strategic packing facilities to bring more value and opportunities to customers and the end consumer.
Carrie Briones, Sales and Grower Relations for the burgeoning company, joins me to discuss the citrus categories increasing in sales that comprise the company’s growing portfolio. But, first, why the growth? Demand, demand, demand.
“Organic citrus is a core item of the program here at LIV Organic, and for good reason—the sector experiences year-round demand and we have cultivated a strong and consistent high-level supply chain to ensure our customers can meet the growing needs of their shoppers, Carrie tells me. “As with the additional family of items we focus on, our growers and partners are our foundation and a part of our continued success in what lies ahead. As we add varieties, acres, and new innovations we will always remain committed to creating and executing a long-term and sustainable plan with them.”
Currently LIV Organic is shipping from California growing regions that include Coachella Valley, Fallbrook, Temecula, San Juan Capistrano, Fresno Edison, McFarland, Fillmore, and Pauma Valley. And you need an immense amount of growing regions to grow the company’s all organic line featuring lemons, navels, Valencias, grapefruit, pink variegated lemons, Meyer lemons, Minneolas, Royal mandarins, and Cara Cara oranges.
I ask Carrie, as we move toward the holiday push, what citrus items is she noting with growing demand and popularity?
“We are seeing growth on all organic citrus and also seeing more retailers using bagged citrus,” she shares with me. “With lots of options of organic citrus during the winter season it provides lots of choices for retailers to promote. We also provide an array of packaging to fit each retailer's need.”
Quality on all of LIV Organic’s California items has been outstanding so far this season.
Carrie adds that LIV Organic is not just out there sourcing fruit. It’s about both the needs of the customer paired with the best capabilities of the grower.
“These are families we trust and know deeply—families we walk the fields and groves with and plan for beyond just today and tomorrow,” Carrie says. “These are long-term considerations and relationships across the board.”
Christmas lists, dinner lists, dessert lists, cocktail lists—citrus is coming to town.