Catania Worldwide's Paul and Matt Catania Discuss Tightening Lime Market, Quality, and More

Catania Worldwide's Paul and Matt Catania Discuss Tightening Lime Market, Quality, and More

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MEXICO - As versatility continues to drive once-specialty categories into the spotlight, limes are on the rise for their ability to support or star in a drink or dish. As growers look to keep up with burgeoning holiday demand, Paul and Matt Catania of Catania Worldwide gave me the pulse of the current and coming market outlook.

Paul Catania Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer, Catania WorldwidePaul Catania Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer, Catania Worldwide“Traditionally, the market price increases in the winter months. Although we are not anticipating any dramatic jumps in demand, with less people travelling this year during the holidays, grocery sales are anticipated to be up significantly,” Paul, President and Chief Executive Officer, explains. “Retail business is increasing somewhat due to consumers buying more groceries and cooking at home. The market dips between steady to promotional volumes.”

Catania Worldwide is currently shipping out of Atotonilco, Jalisco, and Martinez, Veracruz, with both packing sheds running. Matt, Sales Manager, shares that both are cycling differently crop-wise, with Martinez nearing the end of a crop and Jalisco is at the front end of one.

Matt Catania, Sales Manager, Catania WorldwideMatt Catania, Sales Manager, Catania Worldwide“Supply is starting to tighten up on the Mexican side. We should see slightly less fruit coming across over the next few months, with things tightening from where it was a few weeks ago to now,” Matt tells me.

Martinez’s winding down is producing some larger fruit and some smaller—with the smaller fruit producing more favorable quality but lower supply. Bolstering supply, Jalisco is off to a strong start, producing very clean quality.

With holiday demand for limes beginning to ramp up, Catania Worldwide is reporting a tightening supply as it transitions between Mexico growing regionsWith holiday demand for limes beginning to ramp up, Catania Worldwide is reporting a tightening supply as it transitions between Mexico growing regions

“Jalisco is seeing heavier to smaller fruit 230s and 250s because we are closer to the beginning of this crop,” Matt points out. “Based on what we are seeing, the market should stay consistent outside of the potential to tighten up on the supply-side over the next few weeks. Certainly not so tight that we should see FOBS skyrocket from here over the next month.”

Weather-wise, Paul and Matt are both sure: Nothing significant is in sight that could upset the current forecast. And in an industry of uncertainty, that is definitely something to be thankful for as we approach Thanksgiving!

Catania Worldwide

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Catania Worldwide provides its customers with the best possible variety of high quality fruit and unparalleled customer…