Chantler Packaging Launches PrimePro® Core; Wins LiderPack Award

Chantler Packaging Launches PrimePro® Core; Wins LiderPack Award

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MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO - Chantler Packaging Inc. is introducing a new product, PrimePro® Core. PrimePro® Core uses proprietary equipment to create an ethylene absorbing film technology incorporated into micro flute material, developed specifically for retail ready merchandising and displaying of between 4 to 10 fruits or vegetables.

PrimePro Core

“The produce industry is always looking for innovation and we are proud to offer a new and competitive advantage in packaging,” explains Francisco Vercher, International Sales Manager for PrimePro® Europe. “What we have is something that is effective throughout the entire supply chain, even on the retail floor.”

In a partnership with Spanish packaging printing and graphics company, Flexomed, the PrimePro® Core solution was first piloted overseas. Flexomed took the PrimePro® shelf-life extension technology and laminated it to corrugated trays and compact boxes, giving to easy application of ethylene absorbing material without the requirement of additional materials or labor, such as tying, sealing, or gassing, according to a press release.

PrimePro Core

PrimePro® Core has already won Barcelona’s LiderPack Award for 2015’s Best Food Packaging, which the company says is one of the most recognized awards in packaging and point-of-sale advertising in Spain. To be considered for the award, PrimePro® Core’s efficacy was tested extensively on various fruits and vegetables by Centro Tecnológico de la Conserva y Alimantacion (National Technology Centre of Packaged Food). 

Grant Ferguson, VP of Sales and Marketing, Chantler Packaging

“This new product and test results really show how versatile the PrimePro technology is, without any complicated application methods. It’s not just your ordinary MAP technology,” says Grant Ferguson, VP of Sales and Marketing for Chantler Packaging Inc. “Its incorporation into rigid produce retail corrugate and paperboard easily extends shelf-life, but more importantly, it reduces food that goes to waste.”

PrimePro Core

Now, Chantler Packaging Inc. will offer PrimePro® Core to more customers throughout Europe and beyond. Ferguson adds, “We are confident that this solution can help our friends in Canada and USA, and even South America. We’re excited to expand PrimePro Core to high-value commodities such as pears, cherries, stone fruit, and organics.”

PrimePro® shelf-life extension technology is available in a variety of formats, the company says, including pallet covers, sheets, bags, and rollstock and does not require sealing or gassing. 

Chantler Packaging Inc.

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Chantler Packaging Inc. represents more than 80 years of leadership and innovation. We are flexible packaging experts who…