Chelan Fresh Launches 'Healthy You' Website and Video Series
CHELAN, WA - With fall weather settling in and holiday feasts on their way, Chelan Fresh has released a resource to help you eat well and healthy—its new website HealthyYouInOneMinute.com.
Officially launched today, Healthy You is a free website that offers visitors creative ways to keep their family’s healthy and nourished. But, this isn’t your typical wordy and monotonous informational page, Chelan Fresh promises. Healthy You uses bright, easy-to-follow infographics that guide users through tips and tricks for staying on track with your health.
Featuring a section with help preparing and sticking to weekly menus, the website also offers creative ways to prepare fruits and veggies, adding something fresh and healthy to your dinner or appetizer table. Healthy You also has dedicated an entire section for kids and how to include them in the kitchen fun. Visitors to the site can find ideas to get kids to eat their fruits and veggies, as well as how-to graphics for making baby food.
While you’re visiting Chelan Fresh’s new site, take a look at the Healthy You in One Minute monthly video series that offers ideas on topics ranging from kids’ lunch prep to planning a menu for Thanksgiving. Watch Chelan Fresh's first installment to the series below.
To accommodate busy lifestyles, the site offers a download for a free Healthy You Handbook to take on the go, including basic nutritional information about eating out at restaurants, ideas and menus for school night meals, controlling diabetes, after school snacks, and more.
See the new website for yourself at HealthyYouInOneMinute.com.