Church Brothers Farms' Jason Lathos Discusses Steady Iceberg Market
SALINAS, CA - Steady supplies and solid quality are the hallmarks of Church Brothers Farms’ Iceberg lettuce season. I recently got in touch with the grower’s Commodities Manager, Jason Lathos, to hear what we can expect from the market.

“There have been no major shifts in pricing, which we really only see when there’s a huge demand increase or supply decrease. It’s a little tough to compare historically since we’re out of our normal cycle,” Jason told me. “The market was insane two years ago due to disease and decreased supply. Last year was a little more normal, but this year has been really solid. No complaints from me about that!”
Jason explained that the market has been extremely steady. Conditions have been well balanced and buyers and growers are both happy at the moment. This has pulled Church Brothers through the normal lull it typically sees in July and August, according to Jason.

Church Brothers usually gets 2.5 crops per season in Salinas, California, and the supplier is currently in its second planting. The next growing area on deck will be Huron, CA, then Yuma, Arizona, after that.
“Our first three months of the Salinas season (March, April, and May) were unseasonably cool, and the rest of the summer has been pretty consistent. Of course, we usually get an Indian summer in September and October, and with that heat we expect to see the usual cosmetic defects like sun scald and tip burn,” Jason continued. “Nationally, though, there have been some significant heat waves and flooding, which forces customers to look west for supply.”
We will continue to keep our eye on the Iceberg lettuce market, so stick with us.