CMI Orchards Talks Organics, Daisy Girl Organics™ Brand, and More

CMI Orchards Talks Organics, Daisy Girl Organics™ Brand, and More

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NASHVILLE, TN - With a busy 2018 coming to a close and an even busier 2019 on the way, CMI Orchards’ VP of Marketing George Harter recently shared with me that the next big calendar event for the team is the Southeast Produce Council’s (SEPC) 2018 Southern Innovations Organics and Foodservice Expo.

George Harter, Vice President of Marketing, CMI Orchards“This is a big show for us. We've got our Daisy Girl Organics™ brand that has been very successful over the years and we are anticipating another successful year to come,” George shares. “We are looking forward to this show to be able to engage with our customers and talk about some of the exciting plans we have coming this year.”

Southern Innovations presents a perfect opportunity to drive home CMI Orchards’ 2018 introductions, such as its Daisy Girl Organics Ship ’n’ Shop bins.

“We saw some real success with our Ship ’n’ Shop bins this year—they are really easy to work with, shipping with 16 cases of fruit that are easy for retailers to use and build on. We have results we will be sharing about why the Ship ’n’ Shop pallet display is so successful,” George comments. “In addition to bulk, our Daisy Girl Organics brand is available in pouch bags, which are very desirable for retailers to ensure or improve their scan results, as there is a UPC code on the bag that gets scanned more accurately than a manually entered PLU code, not allowing for human error.”

Southern Innovations presents a perfect opportunity to drive home CMI Orchards’ 2018 introductions, such as its Daisy Girl Organics Ship ’n’ Shop bins

CMI Orchards has been increasing its organic production for Daisy Girl Organics year-over-year, as well as the other organic brands it owns or works with, matching shoppers’ ever-rising demands.

“Customers are looking for increased flavor and a profile that stands out amongst the mainstays of the commodity. So those items—KIKU®, Kanzi™, Ambrosia, Envy—introduced organically we believe will increase sales for retailers who adopt those programs,” George tells me.

Daisy Girl Organics brand products are available in pouch bags, which are very desirable for retailers to ensure or improve their scan results

While the team is playing any new innovations close to the chest until fall, George adds this is the perfect time to prime CMI’s audience for what’s to come.

“We are not unveiling anything just yet, but we are working on an accelerated organic promotion we feel our retail partners can take and build upon. The timing of this show is perfect leading up to what we are rolling out at PMA Fresh Summit,” he says.

The big event takes place September 6-8, 2018 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville, TN. Don’t miss CMI Orchards and all that it has in store at booth #302.

CMI Orchards

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