Execulytics Mike Mauti Discusses Limes' Historical Demand, Pricing, and More
TORONTO, CANADA - What can be said about limes that hasn’t already been said? I’ll fill you in on a little secret. When I walk a produce department, one of the first displays I look for is the lime display. They are an ultimate bellwether product. Dollars to doughnuts; if the lime counter is sharp and full of plump, brightly colored fruit, the rest of the department will be in good shape. It’s easy to forget about limes; in the past they have been miscast as a hardware item. But when they turn on you, they can turn hard. If an operator has their finger on the pulse of limes, there is a good chance they will manage the rest of their department with precision.
But enough shop talk. Limes are also the ultimate companion fruit for weekends spent at the lake or your favorite summer retreat. Whether you like a fresh slice in your beer bottle, a tangy twist in your preferred summer cocktail, or you enjoy its infused flavor into a jug of sangria, consumers will want to make sure they have a good stock of limes by the lake.
I’ll tell you another secret. You are not alone. Limes have been growing in popularity, experiencing volume increases and significant cost inflation. If you do happen to be in the business of buying or selling limes, you’ll be interested in what Produce Moneyball has to say.
The accompanying graph in this analysis shows 2020 summer volume began to heat up as the calendar moved into August with peak volume occurring in week 32. Costs strengthened during this period indicating demand kept pace with increasing volume. The strong demand for limes mirrored other commodities during last year’s COVID summer.
This year, Produce Moneyball is predicting costs to strengthen again as it did in 2020, however, costs could rise more gradually compared to the sharp spike experienced last year. Keep checking with Produce Moneyball. It’s a good gut check to ensure you have enough limes at the right price to supply your and your customer’s needs for a summer spent at the lake.
Mike Mauti, Managing Partner, Execulytics
Leading the Execulytics team, Mike brings more than 20 years of experience as a leader in the fresh foods industry. Over this time, Mike has gained expertise in retail operations, procurement, and merchandising. Specific skills around grocery retailing, particularly in produce buying and selling, make Mike a valuable partner for suppliers and independent retailers alike.