‘Fear No Fruit’ Documentary Highlights Frieda Caplan and the Produce Industry
LOS ANGELES, CA - The long awaited Frieda Rapoport Caplan documentary, “Fear No Fruit,” was released June 23 on several video-on-demand platforms by digital entertainment curator FilmBuff.
Directed by Mark Brian Smith of “Overnight” fame, “Fear No Fruit” chronicles Frieda Caplan’s rise from the first woman entrepreneur on the Los Angeles Wholesale Produce Market in the 1960s, to her later transformation of American cuisine. Introducing over 200 exotic fruits and vegetables to U.S. supermarkets, including the Kiwifruit that garnered her the nickname “Queen of Kiwi,” Frieda Caplan could not make a better subject for a documentary.
“There are many great documentaries being produced, but most are about troubling and controversial subjects,” says Director Mark Brian Smith. “This film is an American success story, with rich, deep-seeded history. It’s a compelling ‘who knew’ story about an inspiring woman who didn't see boundaries.”
An “Official Selection” at both the 2015 Newport Beach Film Festival and the 2015 San Luis Obispo International Film Festival, “Fear No Fruit” garnered a positive response from critics accross the board, a press release stated. Newport Beach Indy wrote, “After watching ‘Fear No Fruit,’ you’ll know why Caplan is such an inspiration,” while OC Breeze concurred, “the film is an inspiring look at the now 91-year-old Frieda’s amazing career.” The film also made its European premiere at an exclusive screening following the London Produce Show on June 4.
The storyline touches on California’s agricultural landscape, showing boutique fruit and vegetable farmers and the role that Frieda’s produce marketing has played in their success, along with the state’s current water crisis and its impact beyond agriculture. The film also features interviews from influential players in food and even politics, including Chefs Susan Feniger, Mary Sue Milliken and Michael McCarty, along with Former Los Angeles Chief of Police Bernard Parks. Featured industry friends include David Karp, Tonya Antle, Dick Spezzano and Steve Jordan.
After viewing “Fear No Fruit,” FilmBuff was eager to partner with the filmmakers to distribute the film. “‘Fear No Fruit’ stands out by the personal level in which Frieda Caplan has changed American Lives,” says FilmBuff’’s Sam Scupp. “We are so happy to help spread Frieda’s story, and after watching this film, you won’t look at a Kiwifruit the same!”
“Fear No Fruit” is available on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Xbox Video, Vudu and Vimeo on Demand. For more information, please visit the film’s website www.fearnofruit.com and connect on Facebook.