Fresh Farms' Alan Voll Details Fluctuating Bell Pepper Market and Season Update
RIO RICO, AZ - As we ride the waves that Mother Nature stirs as of late, retailers and consumers alike are leaning on the steadfastness of fresh produce operators around the world to keep aisles stocked and the consumer basket occupied. Fresh Farms is one such company helping to keep its customers at the forefront of fresh, and bell peppers are allowing the team to do just that.
“Markets have been in flux this year due to COVID-19 and weather challenges. Each day keeping us on our toes,” Alan Voll, Sales, tells me. “The market dynamic has changed a lot over the past year and is highly driven by retail for us. Foodservice sectors have been impacted in larger percentages. Right now, we have promotional volumes across our bell pepper program and our focus remains on our retail industry contracts while also maintaining a grower profit regardless of the ups and downs of the market.”
Currently, Fresh Farms is growing its green bell pepper program out of Sinaloa, Mexico. The company’s most recent colored bell program started around January 25 and came on later than normal due to much cooler weather in the region.
Fresh Farms packs and ships green bell peppers as well as red, yellow, and orange bell peppers in both 11 lb and 25 lb cartons. In addition, Fresh Farms also produces 15 lb cartons of elongated red bell peppers.
“Colored bells seem to be holding their own, while green bells are selling well below break-even in terms of our market pricing as of late February. As discussed, the market can change at any time and see FOBs back up to more profitable grower levels,” Alan reflects. “Markets initially started out very high with much lighter supply, as Florida was hit with early weather systems which impacted volumes, but the market has corrected for us and supplies currently exceed demand.”
With the ever-shifting expectations of the day, it is essential to have great partners in your corner—come rain, come shine, or come Mother Nature.