Fresh Solutions Network's Kathleen Triou Shares Solutions for Upcycling Side Delights® Potato Peels
NEWPORT BEACH, CA - As consumers keep a sharp eye on their shopping lists and their shopping budgets, utilizing the whole product becomes even more essential in the home kitchen. Luckily, retailers and consumers have Fresh Solutions Network by their side as the potato provider recently dished out some key solutions to contend with rising grocery prices. Side Delights® is building on the emerging trend of upcycling as an economical and sustainable solution, providing innovative ways to use up those leftover potato peels.
“Since potato prices are up and overall inflation has increased food prices by double digits, upcycling potato peels makes sense,” noted Kathleen Triou, President and Chief Executive Officer of Fresh Solutions Network. “Using the whole potato while enjoying new ways to consume it reinforces the potato’s value. Saving money while spending time around the table with friends and family is especially important at this time of year and during these economic conditions.”
Upcycling is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, or unwanted products into new materials and is used for everything from packaging to produce. According to the release, the potato industry is estimated to generate waste and by-products equal to approximately 12–20 percent of total production volume.
Potato peels, pulp, and other potato parts can be upcycled into feed for livestock and utilized in potato farming. While upcycling can take place at the time of production, consumers concerned about the economic and environmental impact of food waste at home can take on the responsibility of upcycling, using nutrient-dense potatoes in various ways, such as:
- Potato Peel Chips
- Vegetable Stock
- Potato Powder
- Potato “Bread” Crumbs
- Potato Vodka
- Skin care
Fresh Solutions also provides creative ways for home cooks to eliminate waste on its site, such as Cheesy Potato Skins or Parmesan Smashed Potatoes with Roasted Garlic Aioli, which shoppers will be drawn to as they think of what to make for tasty and healthy meals at home.
Keep a lookout for ANUK as we report on the latest trends and solutions to hit the market.