Frieda's Offers 3 Tips to Increase Your Sweet Potato Sales
LOS ALAMITOS, CA - It’s that time of the year again—when sweet potatoes reign over fall produce departments. With these three tips from Frieda’s Specialty Produce, take your Stokes Purple® Sweet Potatoes sales up a notch just in time for that holiday season rush.
1.) Follow the Foodies
Foodies are always looking to make new culinary discoveries around the holidays, and put a fresh twist on the usual, traditional recipes. Stokes Purple® Sweet Potatoes make any home cook look skilled at dinner parties and potluck feasts, with everything from updated recipes for roasted sweet potatoes to purple sweet potato pies. Then, the foodies will be back for more after the holidays.
2.) Attract Athletes
Stokes Purple® Sweet Potatoes can be the perfect #powerfuel for runners and other fitness enthusiasts. The anthocyanin antioxidants in the purple-pigmented Stokes Purple® add extra appeal to sweet potatoes, which are already considered a “super starch,” a nutrient-rich source of energy packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, Frieda’s explains in a press release.
3.) Put Purple in the Mix
The purple-hued skin of Stokes Purple® Sweet Potatoes looks lovely against the usually orange and brown retail potato displays, not just during the holidays, but throughout the spring as well. These tubers add both color and interest to your shoppers’ meals—from breakfast to dinner, any time of year.
Available in conventional and organic, Stokes Purple® Sweet Potatoes are available exclusively from Frieda’s. Interested retailers, wholesalers, and foodservice distributors can contact Frieda’s at Friedas.com for product information and high resolution images to assist with any marketing needs.