Fruit World's Bianca Kaprielian Shares Domestic Citrus Season Update
REEDLEY, CA - With off-the-chart flavor across its early varieties, bold packaging that stands out in the produce department, and a heightened level of integrity and customer service, Fruit World is one partner ensuring you can maximize your sales during the California citrus season.

“The citrus season is looking strong with excellent quality,” Bianca Kaprielian, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, explains to me before diving into opportunities provided by a few key varieties. “We’ve seen a record crop set for our early proprietary variety Dulce mandarins. We’re super excited that these have been in transition and will be certified organic next year. The eating quality has been phenomenal, especially for fruit this early in the season.”
As Bianca noted, volume out the gate for early variety Mandarins is great. Following up are Clementines, which are seeing a slightly lower volume. The citrus grower is reporting a great crop set for the varieties following these Clementines, mitigating any shortages.

“On the organic Mandarin side, we are hitting the ground running, with promotable volumes by the week of November 25 on both Clementines and Satsumas,” Bianca continues. “Our first organic Mandarins of the season come from our beloved Sky Ranch. The fruit is grown in mineral-rich soil on a hill in the San Joaquin Valley, making the flavor super sweet with a perfect acid balance. The first sugar brix tests came back at 17!”
Rounding out its robust citrus offering, Fruit World is also seeing great volume on organic lemons. Market pricing is a bit low for this time of year for smaller sized fruit, Bianca tells me, which means good deals—especially volume deals—are available on 140ct and smaller going into the holiday season. Organic Sweet limes are also going strong, with steady volume expected through mid-December. California grapefruits and organic Navels are currently ramping up as well, with steady supply expected in the next couple weeks.

In December, Fruit World will begin shipping its specialty items, including organic Buddha’s Hand, organic Mandarinquats, and organic Limequats.
“At Fruit World, we're all about growing and sharing delicious organic fruit while keeping family farms thriving for generations,” adds Bianca. “We believe in sustainable practices and supporting our farming communities. That's why we proudly achieved Equitable Food Initiative (EFI) certification on many of our ranches. EFI certification means our farms meet the highest standards for food safety, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship—ensuring that our fruit is grown, harvested, and packed with care for both people and the planet.”

This certification underscores the brand’s commitment to sustainable practices and supporting its farming communities.
Contact Fruit World today to take hold of the opportunities provided by this powerful family-owned operation!