Incoming Rain and Snow Poses Threats to California

Incoming Rain and Snow Poses Threats to California

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CALIFORNIA - Stormy weather is coming down the pike for California-based operators, leaving our team to wonder how the event will impact our supply-side friends. Heavy rain and snow is anticipated to hit the state over the next week as a jet stream along the West Coast recently turned southward.

With an oncoming storm expected to hit California, experts anticipate three to five inches of rain in addition to heavy snow pileup in the Sierras (Photo credit: The Weather Channel)

According to The Weather Channel, the jet stream has taken a sharp downward plunge, creating a U shape across the southern states. This weather pattern is currently set to hit California tomorrow, leading to rain throughout the state and snowfall in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

The storm is expected to intensify come Wednesday, posing the possibility of widespread closures and flooding. The news source noted that the heaviest rains will stretch from Santa Cruz to San Luis Obispo, California. Due to the fires which took place across those regions, flooding is even more of a concern.

On a more positive note, this weather system will hopefully contribute to California snowpack levels which need a boost as they function as water reservoirs of their own in our drought-impacted state.

The incoming storm is expected to intensify come Wednesday, and areas across the state that were damaged by fires may be susceptible to flooding (Photo credit: The Weather Channel)

Overall, the news source expects to see three to five inches of rain, primarily concentrated in the North, in addition to heavy snow pileup in the Sierras.

As we wait to see how this storm impacts California-based operators, keep an eye out for reports from ANUK.