International Fresh Produce Association Expresses Disappointment in Congress for Failing to Include Agricultural Immigration Reform in Omnibus Appropriations Bill; Robert Guenther Shares
WASHINGTON, DC - Recently, trade organizations from across the produce industry came forward to applaud the introduction of the Affordable and Secure Food Act, which would reform the H-2A visa program. However, after deliberation and negotiation, Congress has failed to include agricultural immigration reform in the omnibus appropriations bill, inspiring disappointment from associations like the International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA).
“Congress has once again failed to deliver the reforms that the fresh produce industry and its agricultural allies have long fought for. IFPA did its part to reach an agreement with advocates for our workers and garnered bipartisan support for compromise legislation. Additionally, IFPA joined with hundreds of agriculture organizations actively supporting the bill and pushing Senate leadership to bring up the Affordable and Secure Food Act,” said IFPA’s Chief Policy Officer Robert Guenther.
The Affordable and Secure Food Act to reform the agricultural immigration system in the United States was expected to provide greater certainty for American agricultural producers and farmers, a release expressed. With this act, suppliers would have had access to reliable, legal workers, which has become an increased challenge as labor shortages continue, having major impacts on the fresh produce industry and consumers.
“Congress missed a huge opportunity and did not do their part to improve production and increase the legal supply of labor. Because of this inaction, consumers will continue to see record prices at the grocery store; producers will continue to face unaffordable, unpredictable input costs from out-of-control wage hikes; and we will continue down the path to being a nation that is increasingly food insecure. We implore the Senate to not walk away from this effort before they adjourn,” added Guenther.
Moving forward, IFPA will remain committed to pushing Congress for immigration reform for the agriculture and food industry.
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