Jorge Reyes Becomes Index Fresh Sales Account Manager
RIVERSIDE, CA – Index Fresh has announced a major change to its sales and logistics team this month. Jorge Reyes—who spent the last four years working closely with the Index Fresh Sales team, ensuring timely deliveries and coordinating logistics, has transferred to the company’s Sales department, joining the team as Sales Account Manager.
“Jorge’s ability to work in a fast-paced, high pressure environment is just one of the many attributes that he brings to the Sales department,” said John Dmytriw, Director of Sales, in a press release. “Coming from Index’s Logistics department has prepared him for the new role.”
In his previous position, Jorge’s responsibilities included freight negotiation, contracting frequently traveled lanes, new carrier recruitment, freight claims, and working with carrier insurance companies.
Index Fresh noted that Jorge is bilingual—speaking both English and Spanish. When Jorge isn’t calling on clients, the company noted, he can be found soaking up the sun on Catalina Island off the Southern California coast or working out at the gym.
We at the ANUK team congratulate Jorge on his new role.