Locus Traxx Helps Authorities Recover Over $110k in Stolen Merchandise
JUPITER, FL - Locus Traxx's GO unit has helped apprehend a Louisville man accused of stealing a semi truck filled with Yokohama truck tires in Fort Pierce, FL.
The Florida Highway Patrol was notified that the truck had disappeared Saturday in Louisville, and that it was headed south on the Florida Turnpike. Troopers were able to locate the semi at mile marker 174, thanks to the GO's location reporting capabilities.
According to a press release, Marvin Napoles Manzano was then arrested and charged with stealing cargo valued at over $50,000 and the grand theft of a vehicle, totaling over $110k in stolen merchandise.
Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, the GO is capable of sending temperature, location, and door security information straight to the grower via smart phone or computer, providing access to critical data at any time, from any location. With real-time data available at your fingertips, your produce deliveries can be safely monitored to prevent any potential transportation problems.