McDonalds Adding New Fruit Options to Fast Food Menu
OAK BROOK, IL - McDonald's is throwing open the doors to fresh produce with the introduction of Cuties into Happy Meals this fall, as well as some newly announced market tests for blueberries and Chiquita's junior bananas, and even grapes.
According to Greg Watson, Senior Vice President of Menu Innovation with McDonalds, if all goes well these new fruit options could soon be joining Cuties as seasonal menu items for parents and families looking to make healthier choices when going out to eat.
"It's potentially a big deal, as long as parents order — and kids eat — the fruit," Hope Warshaw, a dietitian and author of The Guide to Healthy Restaurant Eating, told USA Today. "Due to the sheer volume of Happy Meals that McDonald's serves, little changes can make big impacts on the health of American children."
This menu shakeup is as big a deal for growers as it is for parents. As AndNowUKnow previously covered, the introduction of apple slices at McDonald's restaurants, led to over 850 million packages being sold since 2012. The sheer size of McDonalds' market power in the food industry means huge order numbers for any fresh produce featured on its menu, happy news for the produce community.
So far the feedback on these new fruit choices has been strong. "The feedback was overwhelmingly positive" in our Cuties market tests, Watson told USA Today.
Watson explained that the long term goal is a whole lineup of fruits that would rotate through the menu according to what is in season.
I applaud the steps McDonalds is taking in this regard. Everyone agrees that Americans should be eating more fruits and vegetables. In fact ANUK just reported on a study by the WHO that says we should as much as double our produce consumption in order to meet nutrition recommendations. If McDonalds is able to use its menu to drive more produce purchases, then that is something I am 100% behind.