New Data from CMI Reveals the Effectiveness of QR Codes
WENATCHEE, WA – Columbia Marketing International (CMI) has completed a social media contest on a Facebook page created for Ambrosia™ apples that has revealed interesting information on QR codes.
2,100 people entered the contest, which launched at the end of October. It offered consumers the opportunities to win a crate of fresh Ambrosia™ apples along with kitchen gadgets for cutting and preparing fresh apples. Additionally, the page featured an optional survey question about QR implementation on packaging.
“Survey respondents were asked whether they actively scan QR codes on packaging when making product selections,” said Steve Lutz, Vice President of Marketing at CMI. “We hoped that the question would provide us with insight on whether consumer trends were climbing with QR code implementation, and whether this was still a worthwhile endeavor for us to pursue.”
According to a press release, the results of the survery indicated that about half of consumers actively scan QR codes on packages, with 49.95% of consumers indicating that they use QR code readers on their handheld devices. 36.3% or respondents said that they have never scanned QR codes and 13.75% were unsure.
“It could be assumed that those respondents unsure about their scanning behavior likely had not scanned a QR code before, thus roughly evening the results between those that actively scan QR codes and those that do not,” said Lutz. “These results surprised us, as it appears through this survey that scan implementation is on the rise."
CMI is planning on continuing consumer surveying through social outlets to better understand and respond to changing consumer behavior.