Ocean Mist® Farms Launches Spring Gold Standard Artichoke Promotion

Ocean Mist® Farms Launches Spring Gold Standard Artichoke Promotion

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CASTROVILLE, CA - A spring promotion is surely in order to get shoppers excited about the benefits and versatility of cooking with Ocean Mist® Farms’ Gold Standard artichokes. Throughout this promotion, the grower will highlight its artichoke expertise, assuring trade partners that artichokes are a sure-fire way to bring value both to the buy-side and to shoppers.

Diana McClean, Senior Director of Marketing, Ocean Mist® Farms“We debated whether now was the right time to run this annual promotion,” said Diana McClean, Senior Director of Marketing. “But we have developed a tremendous consumer following that relies on Ocean Mist Farms for fresh vegetable information and meal inspiration every day. So, we decided to highlight the strong immunity boosting nutritional properties of artichokes and encourage consumption now, when maintaining optimum health is critical. With this promotion, we want to not only encourage consumers to purchase artichokes for their health benefits, but to also assure them that the produce they are purchasing is of the highest quality.”

According to a press release, the Gold Standard promotion supports retail sales with a variety of marketing activations centered on the premium standard of artichokes.

Throughout the Gold Standard promotion, Ocean Mist® Farms will highlight its artichoke expertise, assuring trade partners that artichokes are a sure-fire way to bring value both to the buy-side and to shoppers

On-pack messaging reinforces shopper awareness of the grower’s branded artichokes as well as its commitment to the highest of standards.

Philip Barrientos, Artichoke Commodity Manager, Ocean Mist® FarmsArtichoke ad volumes are available as we want to make certain that our shoppers have easy access to the nutrition we are promoting,” commented Philip Barrientos, Artichoke Commodity Manager.

Ocean Mist Farms has been cultivating artichokes in California for nearly 100 years. This experience has been defined by its growing and harvesting practices, as well as by the optimal soil and microclimate in Castroville, California, which is home to Ocean Mist’s spring artichoke production.

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Ocean Mist® Farms

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Ocean Mist® Farms

Ocean Mist Farms, a fourth-generation family-owned business in Castroville, CA. and the largest grower of fresh…