Oppy and Oceanside Pole Tout Early Brussels Sprouts Season Thanks to Added Acreage

Oppy and Oceanside Pole Tout Early Brussels Sprouts Season Thanks to Added Acreage

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OCEANSIDE, CA – Thanks to expanded plantings and an earlier start, Oppy will offer Oceanside Pole Brussels sprouts about a month early. Piggy-backing off of a concerted progression of the team’s highly successful 2017 debut, the Singh family has planted 100 additional acres in the Oceanside, California.

James Galindo, Senior Sales Representative, Oppy“All of the diligence and care that the Singhs bring to their tomato program is naturally applied when they grow sprouts,” said Oppy Senior Sales Rep James Galindo, who oversees the program, in a press release. “We’re all working hard to make our 2018 offering performs every bit as well for our customers as last year’s crop did.”

With the harvest beginning in early February, Priya Singh, General Manager at West Coast Tomato and Owner of the Oceanside Pole brand, reported feeling well-positioned to capitalize on this demand.

Oceanside Pole Brussels Sprouts Field

“It’s been a good growing season, so our quality is excellent,” he said. “And by expanding as we have, we are ready to deliver on demand and make the most continued consumer interest in Brussels sprouts.”

Brussels sprouts look to enjoy widespread popularity, with Fresh Look data showing the following:

  • Double digit volume growth in all regions of the U.S. in 2017
  • Volume up 19 percent year over year
  • Sales up 22 percent year over year
  • A sustained three percent increase in price per pound

The Singhs continue to stay ahead of this trend, having produced Brussels sprouts for the first time last March. The Singhs’ strong Brussels sprout crop elicited an excellent market response, the result, exclusive marketer Oppy said, of proven growing practices and an unparalleled passion for quality.

“Sprouts grown in Oceanside are the perfect call for California Grown promotions,” Galindo noted. “The retailers we’ve approached are excited to showcase them.”

Oceanside Pole Brussels Sprouts

Oppy offers custom point of sale signage, social posts, and other tools to help drive Oceanside Pole Brussels sprout sales all season long. Oceanside Pole Brussels sprouts will be sold in 25-pound bulk cartons, with iced and un-iced options available through mid-June.

While the sprouts are peaking on size medium, Oppy noted that it will also offer small and jumbo.

Oppy Oceanside Pole

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