Produce for Kids Partners with Organics Unlimited's GROW Fund to Help Hungry Families
SAN DIEGO, CA – Working to ensure the continued success of the produce industry and keep kids healthy and well fed, Organics Unlimited’s GROW Fund has partnered with Produce for Kids on an important pledge drive.
“As a company that grows and sells organic bananas, we provide healthier eating options for individuals and families,” said Mayra Velazquez de León, President of Organics Unlimited and GROW, in a press release. “We are proud to partner with Produce for Kids and take part in the Power Your Lunchbox campaign, giving our support to children’s health initiatives.”
The Power Your Lunchbox campaign took place from August 8 to September 23, 2016, by soliciting pledges through social media, parent and food bloggers, e-newsletters, media placements and a NatureFresh Greenhouse Tour that visited 36 grocery stores and nine schools in order to raise awareness and encourage parents to sign the pledge.
The campaign collected 21,674 pledges from families promising to pack healthier lunches this back-to-school season. This far exceeded the partnership’s goal of 20,000 pledges, and for each of these pledges, the partners and other sponsors collectively donated one dollar to Feeding America to provide for families in need. Produce for Kids was able to provide 238,414 meals.
All told, the campaign had a total reach of 145 million impressions.
Organics Unlimited participated to the campaign through Facebook and Twitter. The #PowerYourLunchbox Twitter Party, held on August 17, promoted healthy recipes, spread nutritional facts, and gave the organization and sponsors an opportunity to interact with parents and inform them about healthy lunches and lifestyles. The Twitter Party had over 3,761 tweets and more than 14 million impressions—2,500 alone for Organics Unlimited.
For more on Produce for Kids, Organics Unlimited’s GROW Fund, and other innovative campaigns promoting produce, check back with AndNowUKnow.