Produce Marketing Association's Cathy Burns Set to Speak at Dallas Fresh Food Association's August Luncheon

Produce Marketing Association's Cathy Burns Set to Speak at Dallas Fresh Food Association's August Luncheon

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DALLAS, TX - Much excitement swirls when we hear that a new speaker is announced for different events—our ears perk up with eagerness to find out what will be discussed. The Dallas Fresh Food Association (DFFA) announced that it is tapping into the power of produce and the expertise that Produce Marketing Association CEO Cathy Burns has to offer. Burns will be a guest speaker at the August 29th luncheon, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., which is sponsored by Wonderful Citrus, as the organization looks to increase consumption and careers in fresh food in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

The topics explored by Burns will center around consumer demand—such as trends impacting foodservice, global retail, and technology positively impacting the industry as a whole. In addition to these points, Burns will dive into DFFA’s approach to community outreach, offering insight with her more than 30 years of experience in fresh produce and successful leadership with associations and community outreach programs.

Cathy Burns, CEO, Produce Marketing Association“I love what the DFFA is doing to reach local community members to encourage more fruit and vegetable consumption, while emphasizing opportunities for careers in the fresh food space,” said Burns. “I’m honored to speak to this group of passionate leaders and look forward to sharing ideas and insights to help this group to go out and create positive change in North Texas.”

The Dallas Fresh Food Association strives to inspire consumption and careers in fresh foods

Other speakers for the association’s lineup of influencers include United Fresh’s Tom Stenzel, who spoke at the April 4th luncheon that was sponsored by Freightflow. Stenzel went over legislation, as well as shopper behaviors and how they compare to what was happening on the scene over 10 years ago. This spurred the group’s first committee planning meeting in June, according to a press release. Sub-committees that zero in on the association’s key goals, consumption and careers in fresh food, have met to create local events, in-school activities, and job training.

Beth Keeton, Marketing Chair, Dallas Fresh Food Association“Cathy is a shining example of what passion, drive, and intentionality look like in this industry, and we could not be more grateful for her insights this month,” said Beth Keeton, Marketing Chair for the Dallas Fresh Food Association. “As our committees continue to grow and bring new ideas to the table for community activation, people like Cathy and Tom have been instrumental in giving us the tools we need to be strategic and make the biggest impact.”

We look forward to seeing what innovations and progress stem from Burns’ interaction with DFFA members.

Dallas Fresh Food Assocation

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Inspiring consumption and careers in fresh foods.