Stemilt Supers Participate in Brave Warrior Project's Annual Superhero Walk ‘N’ Roll Event; Brianna Shales Discusses
WENATCHEE, WA - These days, superheroes are not just imaginary figures found in science fiction. Heroes walk among us every day, and many of them reside in the fresh produce industry. Members of the Stemilt team showed their own superpowers this past weekend, as the Stemilt Supers participated in the Brave Warrior Project’s fifth annual Superhero Walk ‘N’ Roll event.
“Our Community Investment Committee supported the Superhero Walk this year with apples and a monetary donation. Our sales team, led by Mandy Hanko, formed a team called the Stemilt Supers to participate in the walk,” said Brianna Shales, Stemilt Marketing Director. “The Brave Warrior Project offers important services to children and families in our community and helps eliminate barriers to care and support that often come with living in smaller communities. We appreciate our Stemilters and their little superheroes who showed up to walk and support these brave warriors.”
According to a press release, this event is a key fundraiser for the Brave Warrior Project, which is a non-profit dedicated to eliminating barriers for families with children with chronic illness, disability, and cancer.
This year, the Superhero Walk raised a total of $22,565, which will allow the organization to support those in Washington’s Wenatchee Valley and surrounding communities via respite care, recreational therapy, parent support, financial support, and much more.
Not all heroes wear capes, but I can certainly spot a superhuman when I see one.