Steve Dabich Talks Dulcinea's Melon Market and the Future of the Crop
LADERA RANCH, CA - After a rough January and February due to poor weather conditions in southern Mexico, melon volumes are healthy once again. I spoke with Steve Dabich, Dulcinea’s Vice President of Sales about the current melon market and what he believes will be the future of the crop.
“We started in south Mexico, which was a tough start due to rain and other weather conditions. The positive is we now have a healthy crop going in northern Mexico,”
Now with the company harvesting in Guaymas & Hermosillo and planning a domestic deal in Arizona around May 15, Dulcinea hopes to raise volumes by around 10% over prior year on the overall crop size, particularly of its Dulcinea Tuscan cantaloupe & Dulcinea Pureheart watermelons, he tells me.
“The highlight of this year for Dulcinea will be the production of our Dulcinea Tuscan cantaloupe. With conventional cantaloupe consumption down being down year over year, more retailers will be promoting Dulcinea Tuscans for the quality eating experience, consistent flavor high brix.”
Dabich says that the size of Dulcinea’s Personal size Pureheart watermelons “more taste less waste” has been a big selling point in recent years.
He tells me, “Demand is growing year over year for Dulcinea branded produce. More customers prefer a Dulcinea Pureheart vs a conventional full size watermelon. More convenient size helps especially in a smaller household.”
With demand growing and consumers clamoring to get ahold of Dulcinea’s smaller size melons, poor weather is hardly a concern for the melon grower.