Texas Valley Citrus Committee Seeks Producer and Handler Nominees; Fred Karle and Ted Prukop Discuss
TEXAS - Looking to diversify its leadership and continue uplifting the Texas citrus industry, the Texas Valley Citrus Committee (TVCC) has announced a call for new producer and handler nominees.
“I would like to encourage the citrus industry to get involved,” said Fred Karle, current Chairman of the TVCC and a citrus grower himself, explaining that Texas citrus is inspected for consistent grade and size standards. “Without enforceable standards, any and all citrus could be shipped, making it difficult to get the best price possible for high-quality Texas citrus. Our citrus marketing order helps create a level playing field.”
The TVCC has scheduled a nomination and budget meeting for Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at 10 a.m. at the TexaSweet building in Mission, Texas, according to a press release.
All of the Texas citrus industry is invited to attend. The Committee also strongly encourages the industry to nominate women and minorities.
“The TVCC plays an important role in ensuring producers and handlers get the best price for their products,” Ted Prukop, TVCC Manager, said. “We are always looking for new growers to sit on the Committee to create diversity and bring in some new energy.”
Those interested in participating or those who have questions about eligibility requirements for serving on the Committee can call (956) 581-2190 for more information.
Best of luck to all the industry members who are nominated to join this influential leadership ring!