TransFresh® Unveils Its New High Velocity Tectrol® Application Systems

TransFresh® Unveils Its New High Velocity Tectrol® Application Systems

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SALINAS, CA - TransFresh® Corporation’s high velocity Tectrol® application systems are experiencing an expansion in usage after reportedly having successfully increased strawberry production, efficiency, and throughput for the U.S. and Canadian-bound markets.

“Transporting strawberries in the sealed TransFresh Tectrol® pallet cover system, in which CO2 concentrations were elevated at consistent levels, was most effective in complementing low temperature management practices to reduce decay and maintain fruit quality,” stated a jointly conducted research initiative from the University of Florida and University of California, Davis, according to a press release.

The high velocity Tectrol® application systems was placed in multiple cooler locations a step ahead of peak strawberry production, using specialized equipment systems to ensure the accurate application and sealing of poly sheeting, according to the TransFresh® Corporation.

According to Vice President of TransFresh Rich Macleod, the high-performance method of the system increases the number of Tectrol pallets processed per hour, which in turn increases the total volume of Tectrol strawberries moving through each cooler facility.

Rich Macleod, VP of TransFresh“In sum,” Macleod concluded in the release, “the TransFresh investment in research, equipment development and installation has resulted in greater efficiency and throughput as well as enhanced sealing efficacy.”

The in-depth study by the two universities, entitled “Comparison of Pallet Cover Systems to Maintain Strawberry Fruit Quality during Transit,” also concluded produce from the Tectrol® pallets bore significantly less decay after a two-day shelf life. This reflects the company’s mission, according to Macleod, to protect berry quality and support the berry trade industry to its fullest.

TransFresh® Corporation

Tectrol Solutions

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