Trucco's Tony Biondo Discusses High Blueberry Volume and Increased Consumer Demand
VINELAND, NJ - As consumers continue to turn to fresh produce to fill their increasing demand for healthy snacking choices, what better option is there for retailers than to partner with leading suppliers for antioxidant-rich blueberries. With strong immune-boosting properties, the shopper-favorite category is sure to gain even more recognition this season, and Trucco has the supply retailers need to keep their shelves stocked. Tony Biondo, Sales Director and Blueberry Specialist, gives me the inside scoop on what can be expected this season, and how the company has overcome obstacles to bring high-quality blueberries to market.
“The Chilean blueberry season has been a huge success so far. Our Chilean grower partners have done a fantastic job even through COVID-19 obstacles. The quality has been exceptional, and the size has been consistent. Our main blueberry grower wasn’t affected by the horrible rainstorms that were reported,” he explains, remarking on the heavy storms reported in Chile early in the season.
Along with great quality, Trucco also has plenty of volume to meet the demand from consumers. The company is reporting high volumes through March coming from its international growers, and due to a late start to the season for Trucco’s domestic growers in Florida, the volume will remain steady come April. In other words, Mother Nature’s timing is playing out perfectly for Trucco’s supplies.
With recent blueberry supplies in flux, higher volumes have been generating lower pricing, Tony tells me. Now is an ideal time for retailers to promote blueberries by putting them on ad or running in-store promotions, especially as consumer demand rises with the shift toward spring in the Northern Hemisphere.
“Our blueberry sales this year have already surpassed last year’s first quarter,” Tony explains. “We have great relationships with our buyers and communicate with them almost daily to keep them informed on the market. This helps us move more volume while creating new business to increase the blueberry category.”
There you have it, buyers—there is no better time than the present to get your consumers stocked up on blueberries while making those registers ring, and Trucco is the perfect partner.
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