U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council's Winter Fresh, Summer Somewhere Campaign Educates Consumers, Drives Winter Berry Sales

U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council's Winter Fresh, Summer Somewhere Campaign Educates Consumers, Drives Winter Berry Sales

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FOLSOM, CA – With the goal of changing customers’ perceptions on the limited seasonality of blueberries, the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council has launched its Winter Fresh, Summer Somewhere campaign.

Mark Villata, Executive Director, U.S. Highbrush Blueberry Council

“In our December 2016 survey of parents, we found that 40 percent really struggle to eat as healthily in winter as they do during the summer, and over half said it’s even harder to ensure their children eat a balanced diet during the winter,” said Mark Villata, Executive Director of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, in a press release. “These findings illustrate an opportunity for us to help educate families on simple ways they can add nutritious meals during the winter months, and how fresh, quality blueberries available year-round help make that possible.”

The campaign, which will run through February, is intended to highlight the quality, in-season product available to U.S. consumers year-round, fresh from South American blueberry farms.

The council’s latest push will focus on reaching millennial parents, approaching younger consumers through a humorous and educational approach aimed at driving demand and encouraging winter fresh blueberry sales.

The council noted that millennials have surpassed baby boomers as the nation’s largest living generation, and roughly 20 percent of those millennials are parents. These new parents are changing the complexion of produce departments and driving demand for more and more fresh and natural products.

From January through February, the Winter Fresh, Summer Somewhere campaign will include:

  • Media coverage—telling the Winter Fresh, Summer Somewhere story
  • Summer-inspired, fresh blueberry recipes—featuring winter fresh blueberries that add a burst of freshness to dishes consumer make during winter—or year-round
  • Winter Fresh, Summer Somewhere videos—highlighting the campaign’s theme through a series of lifestyle videos that use humor to educate consumers about the availability of fresh blueberries during the North American winter
  • Partnership with Fatherly—the council is partnering with the popular millennial parenting network to produce content that attracts potential customers through Fatherly’s blog and social media platforms.

“Millennial parents’ keen interest in fresh foods make blueberries a natural fit for them,” added Villata. “The Winter Fresh, Summer Somewhere campaign will help secure a year-round place for blueberries at their tables.”

For updates as the season progresses, check in with us at AndNowUKnow.

U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council