USDA Restricts Four PACA Violators in Texas and Idaho

USDA Restricts Four PACA Violators in Texas and Idaho

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WASHINGTON - Four PACA violators in Texas and Idaho have been restricted from operating in the produce industry, according to a USDA press release.

Mercatropic Corp., a McAllen, Texas-based company, has failed to pay a $40,110 award in favor of a California seller. Roberto De La Torre was listed as the Officer, Director, and major stockholder of the business.

Mega Avoconamex USA LLC, a McAllen, Texas-based company, was barred for failing to pay a $3,997 award in favor of a California seller. Miriam Del Carmen, Martinez Castro, and Ivan Domingo Ruiz Ponce were listed as members of the business.

The Best Sun Produce, a Dallas, Texas-based company, failed to pay an $18,021 award in favor of a California seller. Jose A. Rayas and Juan E. Torres were listed as partners of the business.

Blackbird Seven LLC, a Blackfoot, Idaho-based company, was restricted for failing to pay an $105,393 award in favor of an Idaho seller. Scott M. Phillips was listed as a member of the business.

In the past three years, the USDA resolved approximately 4,600 claims under the PACA involving more than $87 million. Individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, members, managers, officers, directors, or major stockholders may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee without the approval of the USDA. The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), PACA Division, regulates fair trading practices of produce businesses operating subject to PACA.

Agricultural Marketing Service

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