Veg-Fresh Farms Expands Citrus Program
CORONA, CA - Mandarins are the new squeeze of Veg-Fresh Farm’s organic citrus program this winter. For the first time, it will be offering organic mandarins seasonally throughout the winter with varieties first starting with Owari Satsumas, then Clementines, Gold Nuggets, Tangos, and Murcott varieties as they become available.
Coming to retail stores this December, the mandarins will be available in new high-graphic 2 lb bags with designs that highlight the natural appeal of the fruit.
Chris Jacoby, Sourcing Manager for Veg-Fresh, explains, “The mandarin category has grown significantly over the past 10+ years. Many consumers have transitioned from navel oranges to mandarins because of their smaller size, the taste, and because they are so easy to peel. And since the demand for organics continues to grow (82% of American households now stock organic food products), it just made sense to put together a nice organic mandarin offering.”
Partner at Veg-Fresh Farms Randy Cancellieri admits, “When we started adding citrus to our portfolio 6 years ago, we weren’t sure where it was going to go but we are pleased to see its growth to this point, and we certainly will be continuing to focus on its expansion as we head into 2019.”
The growing season will start out small in December, but increase in mid-January and reach its peak production from late January to February. Retailers should keep their eyes peeled for the latest Veg-Fresh offerings to keep customers coming for the citrus this season. AndNowUKnow will continue to report on new offerings in organics and citrus, and the Veg-Fresh expansion as we enter the new year.