Veg-Fresh Farms Names Jeff Baskovich as Director of Conventional Citrus; Dino Cancellieri Comments
CORONA, CA - In this industry, a strong network is priceless. Any tidbit of market knowledge could be the difference between securing POs and not. Veg-Fresh Farms is sharpening its competitive edge with 25 years’ worth of supply-side insights, recently naming Jeff Baskovich as Director of Conventional Citrus.
“I’m very excited to be part of a family-owned company that is vertically integrated with such a wide product portfolio and knows what it’s like to be a grower. My goal is to continue to create and bring additional value-added programs to complement what Veg-Fresh does so well,” said Baskovich.
According to a press release, Baskovich brings a robust set of skills ranging across domestic, export, and import operations for all citrus varieties. His extensive background in field management and grower relations in all California citrus-growing districts will surely help guide Veg-Fresh as it seeks out strategic avenues for expansion.
Baskovich will be a tremendous addition as he builds out Veg-Fresh’s current network of growers and partners. In his new role, he will focus on fortifying the grower’s commodity portfolio to include new specialty varieties.
“We knew we had to bring Jeff on board to help us continue driving the success of this program. Obviously, his experience is unmatched, but we needed his expertise in retail and foodservice contracts, forecasting, managing packing houses, and building new partnerships to secure long-term growth,” said Dino Cancellieri, General Partner.
Congratulations to Jeff Baskovich on landing this new role!