ZAG Technical Services Shares Tech Security Tips for Remote Workers; Patrick Day Comments
SAN JOSE, CA - Across all industries, many workers prefer to work from home as opposed to in the office. Many companies have transitioned to hybrid work environments, as some have embraced the tech life—agriculture included. To stay safe and protected while on the web, ZAG Technical Services and many other companies are embracing this change as they celebrate a new holiday: National Work From Home Day. We here at ANUK are already popping the streamers, but ZAG is here to help make your system safer for the rest of the year.
“Whether work from home or even remote work for business travelers, there are a myriad of risks that should be understood and planned for,” said Patrick Day, Director of Client Strategy. “Part of our work as a strategic IT consultant is to help navigate and mitigate risk to empower employees to increase business productivity. Improving productivity is an ongoing process, but the first step is understanding your team’s challenges and providing them with the support they need to successfully deliver on their objectives.”
According to Pew Research, cited by the company, there are nearly 125 million American workers that work from home at least one day per week, not including the volume of business travelers who work remotely while on the go. With remote work comes an expanded network size and increased technical security risks.
As remote work has grown in popularity, ZAG is sharing top tips for increasing tech security for remote workers.
Tips and tricks for securing remote work include keeping equipment and software up-to-date and implementing best practices for remote security. Whether in the office or remotely connected, all employees should understand cyber risks to avoid phishing attacks or using unsecured VPN networks.
Contact the team at ZAG to learn more about remote work security or to discuss your cybersecurity or technical IT needs here.
I’m always up for celebrating holidays, but having a safer holiday and work-life experience stands pretty high on the list. Keep an eye out for more ways to bolster your business with ANUK.