AgroFresh Announces its Latest Innovation in Harvest Management; Rodrigo Cifuentes Comments
PHILADELPHIA, PA - AgroFresh continues to support growers through its innovative pre-harvest solutions, the latest of which offers the convenience of application without the use of special equipment. Harvista™ Mix is designed for growers of apples, blueberries, cherries, and pears, and is the latest addition to the Harvista™ 1.3 SC product line.

“Harvista Mix is just the latest example of how we’re empowering the business of fresh at every step,” said Rodrigo Cifuentes, North America Regional Commercial Director at AgroFresh. “Growers can now experience everything Harvista has to offer for ethylene management in the field without the need for special application equipment. Harvista Mix can now be used with regular sprayers without the need of injection equipment, creating more opportunities to continue expanding its uses across crops and throughout the growing season.”
According to a press release, this latest addition provides growers with an alternative application method of the revolutionary near-harvest mode of action. Harvista is a plant growth regulator that delivers fast-acting control of ethylene response up to the day of harvest, which helps expand the harvest window.

The product line itself was launched back in 2014 and has since developed to include benefits such as increasing fruit set and retention to maintaining peak ripeness. As the release went on to note, the unique mode of action inhibits ethylene production, thus allowing for more marketable yield potential.
How, one might ask? By offering greater flexibility in fruit ripening before, during, and after harvest.
Harvista is also part of the company’s integrated, data-driven system to help support quality management. For example, growers can pair Harvista with AgroFresh’s FreshCloud™ digital solutions for block harvest optimization and post-harvest quality tracking, as well as with the SmartFresh™ quality system to maintain fresh-picked quality all the way to the consumer.
We’ll be here to report on the latest in the fresh biz, so keep popping back to ANUK!