Allen Lund Company's Kenny Lund and Nora Trueblood Talk More Donations For Navidad en el Barrio

Allen Lund Company's Kenny Lund and Nora Trueblood Talk More Donations For Navidad en el Barrio

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LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE, CA – With the holidays almost upon us, the opportunity to give is needed more than ever as families across the United States struggle to make ends meet in time for the holidays. This week, the Allen Lund Company is once again doing what it can to help its community by supporting Navidad en el Barrio, a program that assembles holiday food baskets to provide to low-income families in Southern California. As the company prepares to deliver the food baskets to families this Saturday, December 16th, the Allen Lund Company is asking produce growers and shippers to donate any extra pallets to the good cause.

Nora Trueblood, Director of Marketing, Allen Lund Company“It’s so wonderful to be able to provide fresh produce and meals to these families during the Christmas season,” Nora Trueblood, Director of Marketing for the Allen Lund Company, says. “Navidad was launched in 1972, and we’ve been so committed since becoming involved in 2004, which is why we’re willing to go and collect the donations from any grower or shipper located nearby. This year, we recognize there are a lot of challenges going on right now between the fires and the truck shortage, and so anything that a shipper can do is hugely appreciated.”

This week, beginning yesterday December 11th, fresh produce from as far away as Washington and Idaho will be headed to Bell, California, to provide extra nutritional value to the Christmas baskets. Along with fresh produce, the food baskets include chicken, tortillas, cheese, and canned goods, but Nora notes the fresh produce makes a huge difference for the families.

Along with Rainier Fruit Company’s apple donation, Dayka & Hackett’s grapes, Mission Produce’s avocados, Wada Farms’ potatoes, and as of Monday, 15,000 bags of carrots from Grimmway Farms en route this week, Nora also asks produce growers and shippers as far as Arizona to consider donating, as ALC will provide transportation.

Kenny Lund, Vice President of Operations, Allen Lund Company“My mom and dad instilled in us the value and importance of giving back, and we as a company completely embrace that concept,” Kenny Lund, Vice President of Operations, says. “Navidad en el Barrio is such an important effort and one that we are able to actually see the impact by participating in the distribution of the dinners and meeting the grateful families.”

Through the efforts of Navidad en el Barrio, over 75,000 people are served and more than 15,000 food baskets are distributed annually. If you have any extra pallets, please contact Nora Trueblood at (800) 475-5863 or [email protected] in order to participate in this season of giving.

2016 Navidad en el Barrio benefitting St. Vincent de Paul

ALC is available to pick up donations from growers and shippers through Thursday. However, ALC would need the donation notification/confirmation made by end of day Wednesday.

Should your team choose to participate, your company logo will be featured in any promotional materials that are developed, as well as placed on the program’s website, so rally around this special initiative and join the Allen Lund Company in giving back this holiday season today!

Allen Lund Company

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