Bobalu Berries Presents 23 Scholarships to Graduating Students in California; RC and Bobby Jones Discuss
OXNARD, CA - 2023 marked the expansion of a pivotal program, as Bobalu Berries broadened the scope of its scholarship opportunities, offering vital funds to students at high schools in Oxnard and Santa Maria, California. Garnering an overwhelmingly positive response, the berry supplier took to the ceremonies of many graduating high school seniors to personally award this year’s scholarships.
“We knew with this many applications and so many students deserving scholarships that we had to attend their awards nights and present these scholarships in person,” said RC Jones, Managing Partner. “The students are so well qualified, we had a very difficult time narrowing it down to the final recipients.”
This marks the second year Bobalu Berries has awarded scholarships to graduating high school seniors. In 2022, Bobalu awarded nine scholarships to students at three schools in Oxnard, California. This year, the berry grower received over 80 applications in both growing regions and awarded 23 scholarships to students at nine different schools.
A majority of the 2023 recipients will be attending California State Universities, with some pursuing degrees in agriculture.
“We formed a staff committee this year due to the number of applications we received and the caliber of students that have worked so hard all four years”, added Managing Partner Bobby Jones. “Our in-house team really enjoyed the opportunity to be part of this process and help to provide ways we can continue to expand the scholarship program in the future.”
While the merit-based program focuses heavily on grades, it also heavily considers philanthropic activities by students supporting their community, a press release explained.
“Thank you so much for coming to my Senior Awards Night! It meant a lot to me to have you there, and I am more than happy to accept the scholarship,” commented one of the many students who reached out to Bobalu after the company attended their senior events. “…I would love to stay connected and share my story throughout my years in college. Thank you again for this opportunity!”
Bobalu has expressed interest in partnering with other organizations in the future to expand the reach of this type of support for local students that are excited about continuing their education.
Click here to read more about the impactful program, and keep clicking on ANUK for the latest fresh produce updates.