Connect 2 Potential Launches Mental Fitness Boot Camp

Connect 2 Potential Launches Mental Fitness Boot Camp

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ORLANDO, FL - While physical appearance once reigned supreme, mental wellbeing has entered the spotlight in recent years. With all the challenges that we encounter in this industry, it can sometimes take a toll, and leadership coach Wendy McManus is here to help. The industry stalwart recently launched a new program to help busy produce professionals manage their stress and minimize its impact.

Wendy McManus, Leadership Coach, Connect 2 Potential“By training yourself to use a positive mindset as your default reaction to tough situations, you actually start to rewire your brain during this 7-week program,” said McManus. “The neuroscience behind Mental Fitness Boot Camp is quite remarkable. Participants not only feel better, their brains change for the better.”

McManus is now offering a Mental Fitness Boot Camp in partnership with Positive Intelligence. Mental fitness is defined as the ability to handle life’s challenges with a positive, rather than a negative mindset, as noted in a press release. Participants in the seven-week Mental Fitness Boot Camp will train their brains to more effectively manage the stress and pressure of every day.

Having studied mental fitness and positive intelligence intensely since March of 2020, McManus is now a Certified Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC). She was one of just 14 coaches in the pilot program for this rigorous certification, making her a trailblazing expert in the field. McManus says that while there is no magic wand to eliminate stressful situations, your experience of stress is mostly dependent on the neural networks in your brain and your habitual thought patterns.

Wendy McManus of Connect 2 Potential recently launched a new program to help busy produce professionals manage their stress and minimize its impact

Because a stressful situation can trigger the fight or flight response in the brain, you have far less access to your inherent strengths that could help you overcome the test you are facing, McManus says. Her research shows, however, that if you face that same stressful situation with a positive mindset, you are more likely to maintain your calm, clear focus and conquer the challenge more effectively.

“My clients appreciate the fact that the mental fitness framework synthesizes the latest developments in neuroscience, positive psychology, performance science, and other research,” said McManus. “It is based on the work of my mentor and teacher, Shirzad Chamine, and it’s all documented in his New York Times bestselling book, Positive Intelligence, so it appeals to even my most hyper-rational clients.”

Based on the mental fitness framework, McManus has also developed a 12-page Stress Survival Playbook, which is available for download on her website.

Looking for a new way to manage your own stress? Be sure to check out Wendy McManus’ exclusive services.

Connect 2 Potential

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