Divine Flavor’s Michael DuPuis Highlights Tomato Portfolio

Divine Flavor’s Michael DuPuis Highlights Tomato Portfolio

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NOGALES, AZ - Both as a fruit and a vegetable, tomatoes are versatile—no matter what side of the debate you’re on. And this time of year, Divine Flavor’s tomato production is coming from Mexico. I got in touch with Michael DuPuis, Public Relations Manager, to get a read on this delicious portfolio.

Michael DuPuis, Public Relations Manager, Divine Flavor“Right now, we’re focusing on our Magnifico grape tomatoes coming from Baja, Mexico, which are a staple of our tomato line. Those are primarily grown organic; I would say 99 percent of our production is organic in Baja,” explains Michael. “We also offer conventional Roma and grape tomatoes coming from the Central Mexico area.”

Production from Central Mexico and Baja help Divine Flavor fill in the gap, bridging the window until West Mexico and Northern Mexico start. The varieties are seeing great quality right now, and that is thanks to Divine’s greenhouse growers and farmers.

Divine Flavor currently has its Magnifico grape tomatoes coming from Baja, Mexico, which are a staple of its tomato line

“Quality is our number one priority; it’s what differentiates us from our competitors. We’re dedicated to flavors and growing in controlled conditions and new greenhouses helps us control many issues that usually arise.”

Over the years, Divine Flavor has worked extensively to build a portfolio of exquisite products which are offered on a year-round basis. For the farm and distribution company, offering each of its items 365 days a year is the consistency it wants to provide to its customers.

Production from Central Mexico and Baja help the grower fill in the gap, bridging the window until West Mexico and Northern Mexico start

While many shoppers are seeking tomatoes for applications such as salads or sandwiches, curious consumers are broadening the plate and are reaching for these juicy offerings as a healthy snack.

“Tomatoes are a great item in general. Our Magnifico grape tomatoes are part of our snacking line, which includes mini peppers and Persian cucumbers,” Michael says. “Grape tomatoes have a strong demand amongst consumers, and retailers see that in store.”

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates in our industry as ANUK reports.

Divine Flavor

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Divine Flavor

Divine Flavor is a fresh produce distribution company, owned by the growers, with the sole purpose of bringing the fruit…