Driscoll's Frances Dillard Divulges Exclusive Details of New Children's Book

Driscoll's Frances Dillard Divulges Exclusive Details of New Children's Book

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WATSONVILLE, CA - News recently broke that Driscoll’s has entered the book publishing world with the release of its new children’s book: A Sofia Special. Written by Julie Falatko and illustrated by Vivian Mineker, the book teaches kids that life is sweeter when you have someone special to share it with—and what better way to do that than with fresh berries.

Frances Dillard, Vice President of Brand and Product Marketing, Driscoll's“Developing our children’s book was truly a passion project. We wanted to authentically bring to life the sentiment of our brand, which is about making ordinary moments more special,” Frances Dillard, Vice President of Brand and Product Marketing, told me. “As a top independent publisher, Chronicle Books played an important role in helping us find award-winning partners. Julie and Vivian were the magic makers who listened to our goals and created thoughtful characters and a berry special story we know will resonate with both children and adults.”

In 2020, during the height of the pandemic, Driscoll’s launched its new campaign called Sweetness Worth Sharing™. That campaign continues to encourage consumers to share the tender moments in their everyday lives with the hope to promote emotional connections through shared experiences.

Driscoll’s has entered the book publishing world with the release of its new children’s book: A Sofia Special

“The engagement and reaction to the messaging was so positive that it served as the foundation of the theme in our children’s book,” Frances continued. “Our book hero is Sofia, a delightful little girl who is having a challenging day at school. Her messy day is made better with a delicious shared berry moment with someone close to her heart. We hope the storyline inspires others to engage in simple acts of sharing to create a positive change in perspective.”

A Sofia Special balances a sweet, lovable story without having to “sell” berries. The book celebrates the consumption of berries through a heartwarming example.

“As part of our brand journey over the last several years, we discovered that consumers had more of an emotional feeling about berries than any other fresh produce item. This insight has allowed us to evolve our brand strategy from fruit as function, to a stronger emotional connection,” Frances added. “Flavor is the number one consumer purchase driver and our promise of Only the Finest Berries™ stands as our north star. However, upon delivering this promise, consumers have given us permission to develop a more emotional connection with them.”

The book celebrates the consumption of berries through a heartwarming example

Driscoll’s has partnered with Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) to spread the book’s messages of love, resilience, and empathy to young readers. RIF is one of the nation’s largest nonprofit organizations committed to a literate America by inspiring a passion for reading among all children.

“We’ll be hosting reading events in select cities and regions where Driscoll’s berries are grown,” Frances said. “Attendees will receive a copy of the book, engage in berry-themed activities, enjoy berry treats, and hear the story read aloud by special guest readers. We are excited to have in-person connections—that’s what our brand is about.”

The book can be purchased on Amazon.com. Driscoll’s has also created a fully immersive digital experience on its website with a free animated read-along version of the book to activities inspired by the colorful characters and Driscoll’s berries.

Stay tuned for more announcements from ANUK as we report the latest.


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