Equifruit Spotlights Bananas at Upcoming Southern Innovations; Kim Chackal and Shelby Dwyer Comment
MONTREAL, QC - Known by its eye-catching marketing, Equifruit is happy to announce its first-ever appearance at Southeast Produce Council’s upcoming Southern Innovations. The theme of its booth will focus on the company’s dedication to ethical sourcing and being a Fairtrade banana company.

"Our goal is to make the conversation around Fair Trade as appetizing and loved as pop culture. With our 'Make It Rain' booth theme, we're showing that the small change of switching to Equifruit Fairtrade bananas can have a big impact," remarked Kim Chackal, Vice President of Sales and Marketing.
As a press release explained, Equifruit believes in fair compensation for the hardworking farmers who grow its bananas.

The campaign message is simple: "Why Fairtrade? Farmers Gotta Get Paid!"

"We want to dispel the myth that Fair Trade is costly. Switching to Equifruit Fairtrade bananas is more affordable than most people think—it will only cost your customers about $5 more on their grocery bill per year," added Shelby Dwyer, Sales Manager.
Make sure to mark booth #120 on your list of stops!