Farm Credit Partners With Cultivate California to Educate the Public; Mike Wade, Kevin Ralph, and Jacob DeBoer Comment

Farm Credit Partners With Cultivate California to Educate the Public; Mike Wade, Kevin Ralph, and Jacob DeBoer Comment

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SACRAMENTO, CA - Using less to make more has long been the fresh industry’s mantra, but ensuring consumers understand this is another labor entirely. Sacramento’s acclaimed Museum of Science and Curiosity (MOSAC) is working to make a dent in this effort with its Water Challenge Exhibit, interactive displays that illustrate how farmers are working hard to use less water.

Mike Wade, Executive Director, Farm Water Coalition

“Our water exhibits bring home the fact that water is essential to grow our food and that California farmers are leading the world in conserving it,” Farm Water Coalition Executive Director Mike Wade said. “It’s important that everyone knows that farmers are using water in an efficient manner and that as consumers, we all depend on farmers.”

Jacob DeBoer, Regional Marketing Manager with American AgCredit, and Kevin Ralph, AgWest Farm Credit’s California President, reflected on the importance of creating innovative ways to educate Californians about California ag’s crucial role. It is why, according to a press release, Farm Credit organizations serving the state’s farmers and ranchers are contributing $100,000 to Cultivate California this year.

Kevin Ralph, President, AgWest Farm Credit California

“Providing accurate information about California agriculture to our state’s mainly urban population is critically important, and every year Cultivate California finds new creative ways to reach people online and get them to engage with the content,” Ralph said. “Farm Credit looks forward to continuing to help them spread the good news about the state’s farms and ranches.”

Since opening in November 2021, more than 331,000 visitors have toured the facility, which features dozens of interactive exhibits on health care, nature, space exploration, and more, in addition to water. The complete release is available here.

Jacob DeBoer, Regional Marketing Manager, American AgCredit

“Firmly rooted in American AgCredit’s core values is an unwavering commitment to the communities where we work and live,” DeBoer said. “The MOSAC exhibit does such a great job of educating California consumers on how vital water is in growing the food that feeds our families, and how farmers are always aiming to optimize their water usage to ensure they’re being good stewards of our land.”

The MOSAC exhibit is one part of Cultivate California’s toolkit. Wade said a recent digital campaign reached about 10 million people in 2023 and resulted in over 165,000 people engaging with the material through likes, comments, and shares. To reach an even broader audience, the campaign is branching out into social media platforms that cater to younger audiences.

Farm Credit organizations are contributing $100,000 to Cultivate California this year, supporting efforts like Museum of Science and Curiosity's Water Challenge Exhibit to educate the public on ag efforts

“None of this would be possible without the ongoing support of the Farm Credit system,” Wade said. “Farm Credit is among our most generous supporters, allowing us to drive our messaging the way we intended.”

Making science fun while impressing the importance of practices society takes for granted is a key way to educate Californians and beyond about the vital link between farms, ranches, water supplies, and our way of life as a whole. Cultivate California strives to do so while also sharing how the ag community is working hard to grow even more food and fiber while using less water, a commendable and critical mission!