Fresh Produce & Floral Council Announces Expo Cancelation
ANAHEIM, CA - As the produce industry continues to grapple with the effects of COVID-19, trade associations have made the difficult and necessary decision to cancel upcoming events. The Fresh Produce and Floral Council (FPFC) recently announced that it too would be canceling this year’s EXPO.
In a statement to the industry, FPFC issued the following comments:
We hope everyone is well during this unprecedented time. On behalf of the FPFC board and staff, we wanted to update you on the highly anticipated Fresh Produce & Floral Council’s EXPO that was planned to take place this July 13-14 at the Disneyland Hotel. In working with Disney and following the guidelines set forth by the state of California in regards to the holding of large gatherings, this year’s event has been officially canceled.
We appreciate your patience as we worked through formalities with our vendor partners and we believe this is the best decision to protect the health, safety, and well-being of all our exhibitors and attendees. We are also extremely cognizant of the financial burden and impact COVID-19 has caused members of this industry as we are not foreign to its impact ourselves as a networking driven organization. We will continue to update our members and attendees with opportunities to hold our event in the near future. We remain hopeful and optimistic of an exciting future ahead of us as we creatively adapt to the current circumstances and look forward to gathering together in person when appropriate to do so. Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Thank you for the continued support, stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
AndNowUKnow will continue to provide you with the most up-to-date information regarding the industry.