Georgia Peach Council Says Conditions Make for the Best Peach Crop Seen In Years
FORT VALLEY, GA – Due to a mixture of exact growing conditions, The George Peach Council (GPC) is gearing up for what it anticipates be one of the sweetest seasons yet.
GPC said that although the season got off to too warm of a start, January and February brought the cold temps needed for a good crop. Grower Coordinator Kent Hoots commented in a press release that the high heat expected this summer will complete conditions needed for a bountiful crop.
Duke Lane III, President of the GPC, noted, “Every year we wait for all of the elements that go into growing flavor-filled peaches to be in sync and the stars have aligned this year – 2016 is setting up to be the best crop peach growers in Georgia have seen in years.”
GPC will start its harvest season in time for Memorial Day, and expects good crops all through summer’s end. GPC credits their fortuitous season with 10,000 acres of “mineral-rich soil,” consistent temperatures, and high humidity.
“Our families have been blessed with the opportunity to grow our peaches in Fort Valley,” shared Will McGehee, Director of Marketing. “While it is the perfect place to grow, there is still an art to growing the best peaches.”
Find out more about the expected season ahead for peaches and all other relevant produce categories as we continue to report from AndNowUKnow.